Three little pins that were found tucked inside a little cardboard box represent my Grandfather Vance Ross’ lifetime of service.
The first is his Deacon Emeritus pin presented to him for years of dedication to the Clarksville Christian Church in Clarksville, PA. He did everything at the church from making sure the pipes didn’t freeze, filling the baptismal pool, to serving communion.
The middle pin honors 40 years of commitment to the United Mine Workers of America, specifically Local 668 of Fredericktown, PA. He was a big union man who went over each contract with a fine-tooth comb. Just the thought of crossing a picket line was, in his opinion, a cardinal sin.
And the third, a tie tack, recognizing over 40 years of service to Republic Steel, where he worked as a coal miner and later as an electrician. He was on-call at all times, often leaving the dinner table to drive to the shaft so he could fix the fan or get the elevator running. He never complained, he just put on his hat and coat and went on his way.
Vance Ross was a lifelong resident of Clarksville, who passed away in 2003 at the age of 88. He was what every man should aspire to be: hardworking, loyal, kind, smart, handsome, and dedicated to his family.
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