This photo makes me happy and sad. It was taken at Christmas in 1964 around the kitchen table of my grandparents in Clarksville. Pictured from the left is my grandmother Blanche Phillians, my father Forrest Wayne Ross, my mother Roberta Ross, my grandmother Ruth Ross, my grandfather Forest Vance Ross, my aunt Janet Ross and my grandfather George Phillians. The only one who is still alive is Aunt Janet. I was probably napping in another room, because I was one month old and had just traveled with my parents on a Greyhound bus from St. Louis, Mo. My dad said the mode of transportation had been given the seal of approval by my pediatrician. My parents were young and apparently up for the challenge. The photo was taken at the home of Vance and Ruth Ross by their neighbor and good friend Stanley Fowler. There are more photos from this day and I will post them when I find them.
Family Stories from Southwestern Pennsylvania & Ohio