Forest Vance & Ruth Elaine Brown Ross with their sons Forrest Wayne and Kenneth Isaac Ross Eighty-four years ago today, on April 28, 1937, my Grandparents Forest Vance Ross and Ruth Elaine Brown traveled 90 miles from Clarksville, Pa. to Cumberland, Md., to get married. They were young and in love and I’m sure it was a lovely day for a drive! Ruth’s sister Margaret and Vance’s friend Mike Barnek went along to serve as witnesses. Elopement must have been the thing to do back then, and apparently is was easier to get married in Maryland than in Pennsylvania. Twenty-six years later my parents went to Lavale, Md. to tie the knot. My maternal grandparents George and Blanche Shipley Phillians drove a little further east on their wedding day and said their vows in Hagerstown, Md. My grandmother told me a sweet story about how my grandfather wanted to name my aunt April when she was born. Grandma didn’t care for the name, so she dismissed the suggestion and they chose the ...
Family Stories from Southwestern Pennsylvania & Ohio